A sitemap is a structured outline or map of all the web pages that exist on a website. It serves as a navigational guide, providing a hierarchical representation of a website’s content, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index the website efficiently. Sitemaps can be created in various formats, such as XML, which is primarily intended for search engine crawlers, or in HTML, which is often designed for the convenience of website users. By including a sitemap on a website, webmasters can ensure that search engines are aware of all the pages on their site, including any new or updated content. This is particularly useful for larger websites with numerous pages, as it helps to guarantee that none of the pages are overlooked by search engine bots. Additionally, a sitemap can include metadata about each page, such as the last update, the frequency of changes, and the importance of the pages in relation to other pages on the site, which can further assist search engines in the process of web indexing. In essence, a sitemap is a crucial tool for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as it facilitates the visibility and accessibility of a website’s pages to search engines and users alike.