Yes, You Can Learn How to Be a Podcast Host!


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A podcast host interviewing a guest.

Podcasts are a trendy way that people are receiving their news and entertainment. They’re fun to listen to, not a huge time commitment, and there is a seemingly endless stream of them.

And if you’re considering how to be a podcast host, they are also a fantastic way to reach new audiences.

Leveraging podcast hosting to promote your work and expand your reach is a great way to grow your business. With Romain Berg, we keep you informed on the latest innovations in the entrepreneurial realm.

Join us today to learn new skills and be inspired to grow your business with confidence.

A woman becoming a podcast host and interviewing.

Wondering how to become a podcast host?

The awesome thing about podcasts is that you don’t have to be a great public speaker to be a great podcast host. So if you get nervous speaking in front of crowds, rest easy.

Podcasting involves speaking to an audience of one — yourself (or your co-host/interviewee if you decide to go that route).

Starting a business podcast does take planning and work, but it can be a lot of fun. The pay-off for a great podcast can influence your reach, your content planning, your marketing strategy, and so much more. You have to lay the groundwork first.

What is your mission? 

The mission behind your work will give direction on your podcast theme. It will help you find your podcast niche. It is essential to differentiate yourself so that you aren’t trying to reach too broad of an audience.

Just like when you’re identifying a target market for your brand, you want to approach your podcast theme with specificity. Finding your niche creates interest, sets you apart, and will draw in more potential listeners.

There are three different options for podcast styles:

  • Monologue style (where you are the only one speaking)
  • Co-hosting or group chat style, where you are recording a conversation
  • Podcast interviews, which involves inviting special guests

Your podcast could even involve all three styles. Just make sure that you engage your audience and consider what they want to listen to for each episode.

What theme should your podcast focus on?

You want to choose a theme that you are passionate about and fills you with inspiration. However, it’s also just as important to select a topic or pain point that you know will interest your audience.

Just because you could talk endlessly about a subject doesn’t mean they want to hear about it!

Your show theme needs to have a balance of these two forces: your passion and their interest. Giving value to your audience is a massive part of what will draw them in and keep them coming back.

Leverage your expertise to provide them with insights that answer questions, solve problems, or entertain them. If your audience feels the value of your content, they are more likely to invest time in your podcast (and recommend it to their friends).

A microphone helps you become a podcast host.

The Mechanics of Podcasting

There will be some equipment to consider. Some people get really into the tech and invest in microphones and recording equipment. Other people record their podcasts with an iPhone.

What tech you choose is up to you. Just make sure that the audio quality is high and that there aren’t fuzzy, background noises that will annoy listeners. Recording with a computer microphone is not recommended, for example.

Here is the basic tech you need to get started:

  • Microphone (either on a phone or with an external microphone)
  • Recording platform
  • Editing platform
  • Hosting platform

If you’re wondering where to host a podcast, the internet is chock full of some of the best podcast hosting platforms. Anchor podcast hosting is a free app that lets you record, edit, and publish your podcast. Bonus it uploads to all of the main streaming platforms like Apple, iTunes, and Spotify.

iPhone and Apple computer users have the advantage of using Garageband for editing, but there are free downloadable software options like Audacity for PC users.

The software will also help you edit your raw track include other audio elements you might want to include, such as:

  • Musical intro for each episode
  • Sponsored ads
  • Conclusion portion
  • Announcement portions

The overall flow of your podcast is up to you, but the most popular podcasts do have theme music to begin each episode. Usually, there is an intro and outro to frame each episode as well.

This gives the listener a sense of continuity for each episode, which is very important when establishing consistency. That, in turn, builds trust in your listenership.

A woman editing audio tracks after becoming a podcast host.

How to be a Podcast Host to Help Your Business

Launching a podcast as an entrepreneur can be hugely beneficial for your business. First and foremost, having a podcast immediately positions you as a thought leader in your industry. Second, it allows you to have a voice and to stand out amongst your competitors.

As your podcast audience grows, so does your brand recognition (which is excellent all across the board).

If you think a podcast would be too much work, think again. Once you have the episodes created, you can do so much more with them!

Here are ways you can repurpose your podcasts to boost your online marketing and social media presence:

  • Publish transcripts of the podcast to boost SEO content marketing
  • Create a mini-video with excerpts from your podcast
  • Publish your episodes on YouTube
  • Repurpose episode content into slide decks or carousels for social media

All of these become sharable, likable posts that, in turn, flesh out your content calendar and continue to promote your business and your new podcast.

Ready to get started?

Figuring out how to become a podcast host may seem overwhelming, but more and more listeners are tuning in every day. And believe it or not, they’re hungry for new content! You can learn how to be a podcast host and take advantage of a new audience.

As an entrepreneur, you especially have an excellent opportunity to use your experience to create compelling episodes.

Join us at Romain Berg to network with other business owners and find exciting guest speakers for your podcast. Our online resources and workshops will help you fine-tune your business approach and expand your opportunities.

About the Author

Sam Romain

Sam Romain

Digital marketing expert, data interpreter, and adventurous entrepreneur empowering businesses while fearlessly embracing the wild frontiers of fatherhood and community engagement.

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