A Guide to Producing Evergreen Content


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Hipster student studying in library

If you’re up on best inbound marketing practices, you write articles to monetize your website and increase your online presence. But, how long are those articles going to continue to fatten up your wallet? Content marketing is a handy tool when it comes to the online business world, but not everything you write is fitting for the same audience, and it’s not always evergreen content (more on that in a bit).

And just like you’ll eventually have to stop wearing your favorite full-of-holes t-shirt, many of your articles will stop getting views because they don’t relate to the present day.

That’s where evergreen content comes into play. You might have heard of it before, but do you know what it means? Just like evergreen trees stay green all the time, so does content that is evergreen. It’s a style of writing that preserves the content and maintains its relevance over a lasting period. Sounds great, right?

Suspension bridge in the forest. Evergreen. Vancouver nature. Pacific north west. Nature. Vancouver landscape.
The road to evergreen content is fruitful.

So, knowing what evergreen content is, how do you write it? There are numerous strategies for producing evergreen content. We’re going to highlight a few of them to get you started.

Choose Continuous and Classic Topics

Evergreen content comes in two different forms. There’s the kind that remains relevant over time despite the changing culture. Then there’s content that you need to tend to ensure that the information remains updated.

An example of an evergreen article that will continue to serve its purpose for an extended period would be something like a ‘How-To Guide.’ Usually, that type of information doesn’t change until they come out with new technology.

Retro red car standing on asphalt road at sunset
Evergreen content is classic. Like this bangin’ car.

It mostly depends on the subject of the content. For example, an article on how to harvest apples most likely won’t change any time soon. But, an article about ‘How To Download Pictures From Snapchat’ might when they introduce new technology in the app. It could still be “evergreen” if the writer updates the information about Snapchat’s new ways.

Do Your Research

Writing content that is evergreen and valuable to you readers means that you must do your research to present them with accurate information about every topic you write.  No matter how smart you think you are, you don’t know everything. Your opinions will not top an article that contains references and sources. When it’s possible, try to conduct original research.

Hipster student studying in library
You know what’s also classic? Classy research. Do the thing.

Your audience will appreciate the individuality of your post in comparison to others similar. It will also generate citations and backlinks leading to your post.

Use Social Etiquette as a Catalyst

Engaging with your readers outside of writing stellar posts is still considered a strategy for producing evergreen content. Replying to emails, comments, and creating an established presence on all your social media platforms are all ways to maintain your evergreen social marketing game.

Social media is always an excellent tool to promote the popularity of your articles. It’s also efficient at preventing them from expiring because people can share it frequently. While you want to engage with your audience, it’s important to remember that not all brands and businesses will have the same target audience. So, focus on your strategy and worry about achievement later.

Visuals Matter in Evergreen Content

Don’t slack off when choosing the visuals for your articles. While it’s not as important as your content, it’s still a vital step in creating evergreen content. In today’s world, everything is visual based on social media. So, you need to make sure you remain in the loop.

You want images that are relevant to the topics and are good quality. Just make sure you’re aware of copyright laws and get them from a reliable source. There are many ways to obtain images for your articles.

Crop of female eye with colorful make up. Beautiful fashion model with creative art makeup. Abstract colourful splash make-up. Holi festival
Did you notice this? Yep, that’s the point. Visuals do matter for the long haul.
  • If you have the ability or cash in the bank to hire a graphic designer, you can produce your designs, representations, and images.
  • You can sign up for a stock photography site and purchase your graphics from there.
  • You can search free open images sites and download and edit the pictures if necessary.

The amount of images in your blog post is determined by your goals for the content and what you want it to convey to the readers. Tutorials might require one for every step while an article that is more general and simple may only need one.

Get The Most From Your Evergreen Content

It’s easy for all the quality evergreen content that you write to become buried by newer posts on your page over time. It’s vital to draw attention to these post so that unique visitors are immediately aware of their existence. Without doing that, the evergreen content you’ve worked so hard to produce will become obsolete from lack of attention. You can call these post out by grouping them on your website in a ‘Start’ page or ‘Top Page’ section.

You can also regularly go through your blog postings and update the information in the content and repost them to keep them relevant and simple for your readers to find. Another way of ensuring that you get every ounce of appreciation for your articles is to remove, date-stamp, and reshare them on your social media profiles. You only have to worry about the date if it’s a news article, though.

Create Evergreen Content Relative To Your Brand

Bubble speech with cut out phrase "branding" in the paper.
It’s important that your evergreen content matches your brand. it’s a long-term investment, after all.

Write content that follows your brand. This tip is essential to creating evergreen content that grows your brand awareness. It makes your content more visible to internet users and has the power to increase your customers, readers, and fans, while also leaving a lasting impression of the remarkable content you provide.

Evergreen content is the art of creating articles and blog post that will remain valuable to readers for extended amounts of time. It’s an excellent content marketing strategy that can increase your brand’s awareness and profits. Take these tips and go forth to produce evergreen content that we can read about tomorrow, next month or three years from now.

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About the Author

Sam Romain

Sam Romain

Digital marketing expert, data interpreter, and adventurous entrepreneur empowering businesses while fearlessly embracing the wild frontiers of fatherhood and community engagement.

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