How to Discover Your Brand Voice and Use it for Content that Converts


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3d rendering head voice recognition system, blue ground

“Brand voice” is a trendy term right now. Your brand voice is a compilation of your company’s vocabulary, style, visuals, and tone across all the channels in which you market your products and services.

Your company voice determines who your customer base is and how much they trust, align with, and purchase what you’re selling.

At Romain Berg, we’ve elevated brand voice discernment and consistent presentation to new heights with our proprietary AI personality analysis software.

Fill out our contact form today and begin your comprehensive digital marketing strategy with a free brand personality analysis.

Why should I understand my brand voice?

Hispanic Male Contractor Talking with Female Client

The way you talk to your customers determines the relationship they have with your company. That relationship translates to the frequency with which they visit your site and purchase your products.

Think about it: let’s say your widget makes work easier for healthcare professionals, or life more accessible for a differently-abled person.

You want to market your widget to PCAs, Rehab facilities, and Physical Therapist offices.

So, in one Facebook ad, you tout the metrics, data, and research you’ve done on your product and why it’s the best choice available. This approach appeals to Sages, those people who love knowledge and facts and use them to make all their buying choices.

In a radio ad, you mention how much end users appreciate your product and that it changes their lives for the better. Plus, clinic owners and PCAs who carry the widget position themselves as the most supportive and proactive caregivers in their region.

Now you’re reaching out to Caregivers–altruistic souls who live for others and wish to be known, covertly, as unselfish and compassionate.

Finally, on your website, you mention how your product enhances “regular life” for your End Users. How it helps them save time and energy, allowing them to feel like they fit in and more easily enjoy the same activities or hobbies as their conventionally-abled family and friends.

Also Read : Your Business Archetype

Here, you’re appealing to the Every (Wo)Man who wants to fit in at all costs and appreciates value and function in their favorite products.

You may think you’re speaking to everyone, but…

Woman with red sweater

When you attempt to speak to everyone at once, you often speak to no one in particular. We know that’s not your objective as a business owner.

When you throw marketing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks, your strategy often backfires. Instead, you come across as if you don’t know who you are as a brand.

When you don’t know who you are, your customers cannot build trust and reliance on your products.

Also Read : Twitch SEO: What’s To Know In a Video-Centric World

How do I find my voice?

Find your voice text -handwriting on a napkin with a cup of coffee

There are two ways to determine your brand voice. The hard way and the easy way, of course.

The Hard Way:

Pull together every piece of copy you’ve produced in the last year. Include blog posts, web copy, ad copy, social media, and radio ads. Include any channel that uses words to communicate your message.

Assemble all your visuals, including print ads, video, live social posts, photos, website design, and other design work.

Now, comb through every piece of your visual and verbal media for generic output. Sift through everything you’ve stated about your products that all your competitors could say too.

Discard everything generic to your industry from your portfolio.

Create an evaluation system with what’s left. You’ll want to narrow your brand voice criteria to three personality traits–as if your business were a person. Some examples might include:

  • Compassionate
  • Competitive
  • Quirky
  • Effusive
  • Rule-breaker
  • Intelligent
  • Wise
  • Authentic

Then, under your top three personality traits, list all of the sub-traits that go into the broader descriptor. For example:

  • Intelligent
    • Researcher
    • Experienced
    • Detailed
    • Organized
    • Process-oriented

Now, tally how accurately your copy and design pieces capture your top three traits. Creating charts to organize your levels of resonance, vocabulary, and marketing channels could come in handy in this step.

Create a new and targeted marketing strategy designed to pull all your verbal and visual campaigns together in one unified, sector-defining set of messages that convert your audience members into loyal brand fans.

Whew. We’re sweating after reading all of that. What if there were a way to do all of this work faster and more efficiently?

The Easy Way

Submit 2000-3000 words of recent copy (within the last year) from several channels to the Romain Berg AI personality analyzer.

You can include copy from your blog, your website, your ad campaigns, and more. It’s a speedy cut-and-paste into our software no matter the copy source.

Our software analyzes your copy and creates a personality report across several different categories. You can download your results in an easy-to-read format for free.

Plus, we also offer an al-a-carte consult with one of our Brand Voice Experts to further break down the details of your analysis. This report is a detailed and nuanced view of how all your personality traits as a business (not just the top few) come together.

Help. I’ve found my brand voice. What now?

Multiethnic group of thinking people with question mark looking up

Once you discover your brand voice, you can create lists of vocabulary, as well as tone and style suggestions to use throughout all your brand channels.

Your tone options are almost limitless, but here are a few that may resonate with how you want to sound to your audience:

  • Clinical
  • Colloquial
  • Jovial
  • B2B Formal
  • B2B Casual
  • Sarcastic
  • Humorous/witty
  • Joyful/Uplifting
  • Inclusive
  • Exclusive

Through your discovery process, you’ll find out not only who you are as a brand, but also who you most want to recruit into your customer base. You can use the words and tone that magnetize particular customer personalities to your website or brick-and-mortar.

With our help, you’ll create consistent and masterful messaging as part of a comprehensive marketing strategy. Your campaigns will play well with each other. Together, we create a unified, omni-channel message that calls to your soulmate customers who are ready to purchase.

Contact us today at Romain Berg for a deep dive into your brand voice. We have the right tools and comprehensive brand voice strategy your business needs to grow with no hype, just results.

About the Author

Sam Romain

Sam Romain

Digital marketing expert, data interpreter, and adventurous entrepreneur empowering businesses while fearlessly embracing the wild frontiers of fatherhood and community engagement.

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