Alternative Search Engines: Google’s Unrelated Cousins


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Bing Search

Whatever your reason, maybe you need a search engine other than Google. We’re not here to judge. Actually, we’re here to help.

Of course, Google has come a long way in 23 years. We’re not saying they haven’t. In fact, the most popular search engine that we have all come to know and love began its journey at Stanford University in 1995, back in the era of Pogs and Crossfire. The two genius founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, probably never dreamed that something they created to merely organize the world’s information and make it easily accessible to users everywhere would become such a renowned resource. Their creation revolutionized the world and is still making improvements in our quality of life today.

But, history aside…

While Google might overshadow every other search engine on the internet, alternatives still exist. Yeah, yeah, we know. With the use of Google Chrome, it’s difficult to even remember that Internet Explorer and Firefox remain let alone other search engines. Honestly, we hardly remember either.

Alternative Search Engines: A Search Guide

Remember the search engines we used before Google became so prominent? You know, like Dogpile and Yahoo? No, they didn’t go out of business. Also, we’ve even some that you may have never even heard of. So, uh… shazam.

If you’re interested in the existence of alternative search engines, then you’ve come across the right article. We present to you: The Search Engines that Barely Get Cranked Anymore But Are Functional and Even Useful.

Duck Duck Go Search


No, you aren’t on Google, but this search engine definitely appears similar in clean appearance. While the differences are subtle, they are still there.

DuckDuckGo has some smart features up its sleeve that might be more appealing than those of Google. These features include ‘zero clicks’ information. This neat trick allows all your answers to be displayed on the first page eliminating the need to actually go to additional websites.

DuckDuckGo also offers disambiguation prompts which clarify what you are asking. Another desirable element that we love is that it has far less ad spam than Google. Get down to the answers you honestly need and spare the confusion advertisements bring to the table.

Also Read : Google’s RankBrain in 2018



A well-known search engine you may know about is Bing. That was Microsoft’s first real attempt at trying to keep up with the dominating competition of Google. While they haven’t succeeded in bumping them to 2nd place yet, they are arguably the next best search engine available to users. Until the update in 2009, Bing was known as MSN search.

Promoted as a decision engine, Bing tries to encourage your research by providing suggestions in the left-hand column. You can also find numerous search options along the top of the screen. It’s there that you’ll discover wiki, related searches, and visual search suggestions that could be of use to you. While it can’t kick Google off its pedestal, it’s a close competitor and worth trying if you’re looking for a change of scenery. Who knows, maybe you’ll find all their suggestions to be more insightful.



You may remember Dogpile as Google’s predecessor. Up until the late 1990’s, it was the number one choice for web searching. When Google became more popular, it faded away into the obscuring shadows.

However, Dogpile is making its come back. It’s got a continuous growing index of information and a quick, clean presentation that testifies to its golden days. This helpful research tool provides numerous crosslink results. all with a display that is easy on the eyes and makes finding the information you need simple.



Yippy is what they call a Deep Web engine. Deep Web pages are more challenging to locate by a conventional search. This basically means that it searches other search engines for answers and pages related to your question. This tool doesn’t use robot spider programs like the regular web.

However, that’s why Yippy is useful. It can help you find things that other search engines don’t pick up, such as interest blogs, obscure news, academic research, and past government information. If you’re looking for hard to find answers, then this search engine is your jam.



In our opinion, this site is one of the most useful on the internet. Webopedia is a resource that acts as an encyclopedia and specializes in searching technology terminology and computer definitions. This search engine makes it possible to teach yourself more about technology from the comfort of your computer. If you’re not a big tech person and struggle with knowledge about technology, then this search engine can help you make sense of the tech around you.



If you’ve ever used Yahoo, you probably already know that it’s far more than just a search engine. It’s a shopping center, news aggregator, e-mail, horoscope, GameCenter, travel directory, and so much more. Yet, it still doesn’t compare to Google.

Yahoo is an extremely helpful resource for internet beginners and can direct them in the direction they’re trying to go. Prowling the web is full of explorations and discovery, and Yahoo paves the way.

The Internet Archive Search


Last but not least, The Internet Archive is the ultimate destination for those who have been loving the web for a while. This website has been keeping tabs on the world wide web for decades. If you want to go back in time to 1999 to view a web page’s look and content, you can through the Internet Archive Search. Although it’s not designed to be a daily search engine like Google or Bing, it’s nice to use once in awhile when we’re feeling a bit nostalgic or relishing a site from the past.

Also Read : SEM vs SEO

The Ultimatum

Again, no judgment. You use whatever search engine you want, we just thought you’d be interested in some other options. Whether you’re looking for a change of scenery from the same old Google or you need additional places to search for information, these websites provide. While they may not compare to our regular search engine, they are great alternatives that offer quality results to your answers.

Romain Berg (you know, *us*) habitually provides helpful information that could help your site excel because , well, it’s what we do for a living. It comes naturally to us.

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About the Author

Sam Romain

Sam Romain

Digital marketing expert, data interpreter, and adventurous entrepreneur empowering businesses while fearlessly embracing the wild frontiers of fatherhood and community engagement.

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