Discover Raven Tools: A Comprehensive All-In-One SEO Software Solution


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Discover Raven Tools: A Comprehensive All-In-One SEO Software Solution

Hey there, Smart Stuff. If you’re on this site, chances are you’re always searching for the latest technological tools to kick your online business up a notch. This can require a multitude of different tools to achieve the results you’re looking for. Wouldn’t it be an incredible invention to have all of the tools you need piled into one? Enter Raven Tools.

Raven Tools is an all-in-one marketing tool designed to provide you with all the knowledge you need to keep one step ahead of your competition. This fierce beast captures all your data in one place and allows you to integrate your campaigns on sites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, and more. It also facilitates measurements of the efforts of your marketing strategy with Majestic and Moz. Clearly, Raven Tools are your one-stop shop for SEO tools.

Let’s put this software in the spotlight and revel in all the features that make this SEO marketing tool an impressive and efficient use of your time. And, to be fair, we’ll also discuss what Raven Tools could change to create an even more appealing option.

Raven Tools: What We Love



When using Raven, first up, enter your site’s information into the Research section. When you do that, it provides you with main sites, rankings, and social metrics to provide a clearer understanding of what you’re facing. Put the competition’s information into the Competitor Manager so you can compare your progress to theirs over time. Go get ’em!

Also Read : Geotagging And SEO

Let’s Get Technical

Raven has what they refer to as a Site Auditor that reports on issues regarding on-page optimization, visibility, page speed, and semantic markup. The report the Site Auditor provides is easy to comprehend and offers an excellent presentation for clients once you add the logo of your agency.

Once you’ve fixed any and all problems, you can view your progress using the Crawl Comparison feature. Choose from any two dates that you ran a crawl on and bam, you’ve got a comparison of results.

Tracking Your Site’s Performance

Comparing metrics over time can be useful in viewing your site’s progress to becoming a more trusted and valuable resource for your audience. Raven takes snapshots of your central performance and marketing metrics such as backlinks, domain authority, and page speed so you can review how far you’ve come.

Build and Monitor Backlinks

Raven’s Link Manager makes monitoring your backlinks simple. It tracks any link changes, takes screenshots of your active links, and notifies you if there’s any change in your links. The Site Finder tool helps you find link building opportunities based on your target query’s current ranking websites.

Raven Tools: Constructive Criticism

Hey, nobody’s perfect. Overall, we love Raven Tools. It’s a sleek package designed to aid in online marketing success, but it is, after all, a relatively new software that could use some slight tweaking to work out a few kinks.


Raven’s Reporting feature allows you to build custom templates that only display data you choose. Each section lets you add your insights with their text editor to help you figure out what’s going on.

A few things might better highlight the potential of this feature, such as being able to add your company logo or customizing your color schemes. Another possibility for improvement would uploading a custom cover page to gain better control over your report branding. [Author’s Edit] Raven Tools kindly informed us they do have a cover page option! Score!

Generally speaking, the reports could reflect more of the attention to design that contributed to the Raven Tools platform itself.

Page breaks are another problem. Sometimes the tables split at the header between two separate pages, which can feel rage-inducing. Additionally, sometimes a single data point appears on the next page, and it creates a section of nothing but blank space. More rage.

Also Read : Website Traffic Estimators

Raven Tools for Hire

Think Raven Tools may be advantageous to your online presence? Well, there’s always the 14-day trial. After you complete your trial, if you’ve been converted to the Raven Tools way, they offer four packages:

  • Start: This package is the smallest, starting with an annual price that is billed monthly at $99 or a month-to-month price of $109. This package would be ideal for a smaller company.
  • Grow: You can purchase this package for an annual price billed monthly for $169 or a monthly cost of $199.
  • Thrive: The runner-up to the most substantial package is sold for $249 annually but billed monthly, or you can pay for it by the month for $299.
  • Lead: This package offers the maximum amount of benefits for a purchase price of $399 annually but billed monthly. Or, pay for it month-to-month for $479 total. This package offers the most unlimited amount of options and possibilities.

For a full list of details, visit their website.

A Vital SEO Reminder

Even with a tool as incredible and driven as Raven Tools, remember that comprehensive SEO knowledge is a must to be able to drive this creature like it’s meant to be driven. Even so, no single tool can encompass all of the knowledge you’d need to make this tool and your site optimized. That’s where we come in. When you need help with SEO, whether steering a multi-tool like Raven or a baseline start, we’re here for you in any direction you need. Contact us today and get your SEO in gear.

About the Author

Sam Romain

Sam Romain

Digital marketing expert, data interpreter, and adventurous entrepreneur empowering businesses while fearlessly embracing the wild frontiers of fatherhood and community engagement.

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